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Category: Construction & Renovation Loans

April 26, 2023

The Two Main Types of Construction Loans

You have decided to build your dream home. You found the perfect lot. You have hired the best builder and now you need the loan. Construction loans are different from a traditional mortgage, and we will give you the basics to get you started. There are two main types of construction loans, Construction-Only and a Construction-to-Permanent loan.

February 23, 2023

Financing Options for Additions and Major Home Renovations

Additions and major home renovation projects make your house feel more like a home and potentially boost its functionality and resale value. But unless you are in a position to pay cash for renovations, you’ll be looking to finance them in the form of a loan.  There are many different options you should consider based on the scope of your project, amount you are looking to borrow and the equity available in your home.  Here we’ll discuss three of the more common ones that are available to borrowers today.

June 23, 2022

Home Improvements- Where Should you Spend your Money?

Wouldn’t it be great to have an unlimited budget for home improvement projects? In reality, most homeowners are working on a small home improvement budget. Here are five home improvement projects that can help either save you money or can increase the value of your home.

May 27, 2022

Understanding the Basics of a Construction Loan

Building a home can be stressful. Figuring out the appropriate mortgage product doesn’t have to be. Most people understand the basics of a standard mortgage, but many don’t understand that there is a different approach when you decide to build a home. We are here to break down the basic characteristics of a construction loan so your dream of building a home can become a reality!

April 29, 2022

The 5 Best Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Decide To Build A Home

Making the decision to build a home can be a very exciting process, but can also be a daunting one, especially when so many decisions need to be made. However, with proper planning, it’s easy to avoid costly mistakes. Here are 5 questions everyone should ask themselves when considering whether or not to build a home.

Contact us and we’ll answer your questions.